A few months ago, one of my college friends, Natasha, and I became friends again on Facebook. I already knew she was married and had one child because we had lunch before I left Gainesville several years ago. However, through Facebook, I quickly learned she was pregnant with her second child.
If you're not familiar with Facebook, people can post photos, information about their work, education, family, etc., and status updates for their friends to see and send messages to friends. Because of this interactivity, I learned Natasha delivered baby Austin on July 30, 2008, and within a few days, she quickly posted photos of the new arrival along with his daddy Patrick, big brother Hunter and other family members.

During the past couple of months, Natasha continued to provide status updates about how everyone was doing. Just more than a week ago, she posted how she had fun at the Gator game even though they lost. A few days later, she mentioned how she was home with her older son who was sick, but the baby was healthy.

So it came as quite a shock to me and all of Natasha's friends when last Thursday night at 10:27 p.m., she wrote the following status update: "Chemo starts tomorrow. The battle begins. No matter how rare-Austin is strong...and he will beat this Leukemia. Keep praying..."
I couldn't believe it. How could this adorable healthy-looking baby boy have such a horrible disease? It was a shock for Natasha and her family as well. The odds are one in three million.
Almost immediately, friends started sending their well wishes, thoughts and prayers via Facebook. Natasha and her family have been at Shands Hospital at UF since last Thursday, and Austin's chemo is going well. She keeps updating us on how things are progressing since she has Internet access there, and baby Austin sleeps a lot.
It's amazing how fast life can change in an instant, but at least there are ways to let your friends and loved ones know almost instantly the good and the bad news. It's going to be a long road for them, so please keep this special family in your thoughts and prayers. God bless you baby Austin!
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