We've started calling Sammie Samdog Millionaire just for fun with all the hype of the Oscar-winning movie Slumdog Millionaire. We also call her Sambolina and Samboli. I'm not sure why.
Both Sammie and Dolly enjoy spending time outside on our porch now that the weather is warmer. They love to lay in the sun and watch the birds perch on the bird feeder. Sammie has always been a higher jumper than Dolly and quickly jumps up onto the deck chair on the porch.

After a while Dolly comes inside and wants to cool down a bit. She is doing about the same, but is getting weaker. Because she has lost weight and muscle, it's harder for her to jump.

Saint Francis is the patron saint of animals, so we bought a statue of him and placed it near the girls' food and water bowls. Dolly is only a tad taller than him, and sometimes she rubs up against him while waiting on us to feed her. It's nice to know he's watching over both our girls.

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