We've had a bird feeder for three summers in Knoxville now. It's outside our bedroom window and perfectly placed so kitties can gaze outside and dream of a tasty meal. This summer, however, the Blue Jays have found us, and they literally consume all the bird seed in the larger feeder within a day.

David filled it up Saturday evening and by Sunday at noon, the big container was already empty!

While they eat a lot of it, they also knock a lot of it to the ground. We're glad they are here, but it's annoying that we have to replace the bird seed so often.

Fortunately, the doves are ground feeders for the most part and will eat a lot of the seed on the ground. Sammie loves to sit in her tree and watch them.

Summer also means summer gardens! I really miss the fresh potatoes, tomatoes, corn, and squash from my parent's garden. David's boss has a garden this year, and he's been giving us some white onions and garlic. We used them last week in a yummy pasta dish. Thanks John!

Buy a BB gun. Not only will it take care of the bluejays but it will increase your shooting ability and skill.
I HATE the stupid birds!
They eat so damn much food. The feeder is now on an angle due to the 'new' slope of the back. So filling them up is more difficult than it used to be.
I am tempted to use Jason's advice.
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