Saturday, June 14, 2008

Life Moves On...

I know it's been a week since I posted something, but teaching every day and keeping up with grading is quite time consuming. I can't believe how fast the summer session is flying by.

I did make some time this week to go to see Sex and the City with some friends. I thought it was well-written with many funny, sad, happy and emotional moments. Because of how many summer movies appear, I was surprised that it was only it's second full week in the theaters, but it was only showing on one screen several times a day.

Finally, on Friday night, we went to the Downtown Grill and Brewery in Knoxville to celebrate a colleague's birthday and bid a fond farewell to another colleague, Jim Miller, who successfully defended his dissertation earlier this week. He and his family are moving back to Arkansas where he teaches at Harding University. Jim is a great person and teacher, and his departure made me realize how fast graduate school progresses. Later this summer, several other colleagues will be moving, and next year this time as I'm hopefully finishing the program, I'll be saying good-bye to friends I didn't know several years ago. I know we'll stay in touch and see each other at conferences, but it is still hard to say good-bye.

1 comment:

James E. Miller said...

Thanks for the shout-out, my friend.

Graduate school does, indeed, go too quickly. While I'm glad I was able to finish in three years, part of my wishes I could have spent at least another year devoted solely to research and studying under fantastically intelligent professors.

I miss you guys a lot! Hopefully I'll see you in December when I return for graduation. Best wishes as you continue on the exciting road of graduate school.

In some ways, I already miss it...