Many of you probably know we have two cats, a grey Mackerel Tabby named Dolly and Sammie, who until yesterday we thought was a true Siamese. David was perusing through a book store and found a cat book that described another related breed called Tonkinese. According to the Cat Fanciers' Association, the Tonkinese breed is a cross between the Siamese and Burmese cat breeds. Based on the entry, it appears Sammie is indeed a Tonkinese based on her facial features, size and personality. These cats are commonly referred to as tonks.
According to the Web site: "Tonk is two types of cat in one body. One mode is active, but not hyper, with a muscular body. They play fetch, climb cat trees and fly through the house at warp speed. The second mode is cuddly and loving. They are not an aloof, independent cat; they are best for someone who wants a lap cat. They are dog-like in that they require and demand attention."
This describes Sammie to a tee. She loves running around the house at times and has even jumped on top of the refrigerator since we don't have trees growing in our house. She also loves attention, and if there is a spare lap in the house, she demands to sit on it. We've often said she acts like a dog. She was named Sammie since the woman we know who found her thought she was a Siamese. I think it's too late though to rename her Tammie.
That's pretty funny! Except for the "dog-like" part. Not cool, Sammie.
hey i also have a cat like your siamese, and it is what they call a traditional siamese, oldest version, and somewhere along the line, they became skinny with pointy lil ears, there is this website, that gives whole history, yea i thought my cat was a mix too, after i read more about it, i go back to the traditionl siamese, anyways i saw your picture, of sammi, looks just like my momo,
goodday, something to think about
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