As you've probably read, Sammie likes to lounge around, and when I'm working, she makes a great paper holder. She also likes to sit on my papers or just about anything.
However, last Christmas, this presented somewhat of a problem. My parents had sent us several gift cards as presents, and I was sorting through them with Sammie next to me. I was also doing other things around the house, and at some point, I realized some of the gift cards were missing. I thought I'd thrown them away since I'd been cleaning out files that morning. I went into a slight panic mode since we had just taken the trash out. David and I searched the house from top to bottom, went through the garbage and the couch cushions. We even lifted up the pillow Sammie was sleeping on in case they were there.
After more than an hour, we were both frustrated to say the least and quit looking. A few minutes later, Sammie, who had been sleeping the whole time and hadn't moved, decided to stand up and stretch, and there under her were the gift cards we'd been searching for! She sat right back down on them as if she was protecting her stash. That's our Sammie!
Sammie is like a fluffy cat statue that lives in our house. For the most part, it just sits there all day not moving. She barely eats or drinks or potties most of the day.
Honestly the only time she really moves is when Allyson gets up and goes to another room in the house for longer than 5 minutes. Sammie has some separation anxiety.
It was nice to read your blog and find that you are doing so well. Jessie has her degree in Business/Music from Troy U, and is getting married in October and Sara has a cosmetology degree working at an upscale salon as a stylist now.
Your Aunt Vada keeps me up with what you and Jason are doing.
Linda Blondheim
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