It's been a nice holiday season, and it's hard to believe it's almost over. Every year I look forward to Christmas, and while I think December lingers on, it's literally over within days it seems. We didn't travel to Florida, and it was rather warm in Knoxville on December 25, but not as warm as Florida with highs in the 80s, a temperature David and I do not miss at this time of year.
We didn't have a traditional Christmas dinner. We prefer to have Italian instead since we both love this type of food. We made Gorgonzola meatball lasagna, and a tomato and mozzarella salad along with homemade bread. For New Year's Eve, we'll have homemade appetizers.
During the next month, I'll be studying at an intensive level for my comprehensive exams, which are based on all that I've (hopefully) learned during my coursework as a Ph.D. student. It will not be an easy task, so please say a prayer or just send a positive thought my way. I probably won't post entries on my blog until this process is over, unless I decide I need a distraction. :)

We hope 2008 was a great year and 2009 will be an even better one. Happy New Year!
Happy New Year, and GOOD LUCK, Allyson!
I can't believe you're taking your exams already. I'm taking mine in the fall (after 4 years of ph.d.-ing). I totally have to talk to you about strategy. good luck!
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