We returned home from David's sister's wedding Monday night, and Dolly wasn't acting herself. I noticed it before we left last week, but thought she didn't like us leaving. When we returned, she didn't want to eat or drink much and just kept meowing as if she was trying to tell us something. She had something to say alright...
After a vet visit Tuesday afternoon, we learned Dolly was severely dehydrated, and her kidney disease had most likely progressed. She only weighed 6 pounds, 12 ounces. The blood work confirmed her kidney disease had worsened, and she also has some liver disease, a kidney infection and a urinary track infection. The vet gave us the option of putting her to sleep, but Dolly is still Dolly, happy and alert. The doctor told us her levels are the highest she's ever seen (not a good thing), even higher than textbooks mention. Dolly shouldn't be here, but she is thankfully.
She stayed at the wonderful Cat Clinic in Knoxville that only caters to cats for three nights until Friday afternoon. Dr. Koob and Dr. Haas and their extraordinary staff are so great, and we visited Dolly each day she was at the clinic. Because the lab was late with the blood work, they wanted us to leave her there Friday night since they close at 6 p.m. and didn't have time to get everything ready for her to come home, but I think the vet heard the extreme disappointment in my voice and said we could come get her last night and then take her back today, and they would load us up with her medications and show us how to give her the fluids here at home. We found out today she's gained a pound since Tuesday! Also, her liver disease has improved, and her kidney counts are better but not great. Below are the meds she's on. We have to give her more fluids tonight or tomorrow morning.

So far at home, she's eaten really well, sat and purred on our laps, enjoyed sitting in her cat tree and looking at the birds, and just being Dolly. We're very thankful she's happy at home for now, and we'll see how things go with her kidney counts.
It was a hard week since we weren't sure if she would improve. From now until when God wants Dolly back again, we'll have to give her fluids daily or several times a week, and she's on several medications for life. I realize some people might not understand our strong and loving connection to Dolly, but she is part of our family. As long as she's happy, we're extremely happy.
Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers. The vet told me again today that no one told Dolly her kidney disease is worse since she's still so happy and purring. :) As soon as Dolly came in the house last night, Sammie went over to her and sniffed her and then licked her face. I probably picked up and hugged Sammie a hundred times this week. I don't know what I would have done without her. Both of our girls are very special to us!
Our wonderful Florida friends, Brad and Mandy, who have two cat children, Cali and Kelsey, and one human child, Ryan, sent us a cat card that Ryan painted for us. So cute! Both of the girls love it. Thanks so much!

I love you Allyson!
I love you Dolly!
I love you Sammie!
I will do everything in my power to make you happy and healthy.
I hope you're feeling better Dolly!
I can't tell you how huge Ry smiled when I showed him the pics of your girls looking at his "painting." We are so happy that Dolly is back at home.
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