Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Three Years Ago Today...

It was our last night in Gainesville, Florida. Hard to believe it's been three years since we moved to Knoxville. It was a Saturday, and we had finished packing. The movers had already come on Friday, so Saturday was our final day in town. I remember getting a haircut and pedicure at my favorite salon. We also had a yummy steak (chicken for me) dinner at my parent's house.

We thought that night would be the last time we saw my family before we left early the next morning, but as we tried to pack things into both cars, we realized they would not fit. So we called my parents, and they came over Sunday morning and picked up some things to store for us until they visited us that October.

Today, I edited a friend's dissertation...never thought I would be doing that three years ago! Time really does fly when you're having fun...or when you are always doing something productive. I wonder what we'll be doing next year on this day?


Jason said...

Irony… you’re in the 11th generation of a family of U.S. farmers/cattlemen and you don’t eat steak.

AllyDeVito said...

Are you sure we go back 11 generations? Whose side? Well, I don't eat steak, but I eat beef and all other kinds of meat! Love how you focus on me not eating steak instead of how much you miss having me around in Florida! :)

Jason said...

On the Harrell side we go back 11 generations to the first one to come to Virginia from England. They moved from Virginia to North Carolina to Georgia to New River (Bradford) County, by the 1850s. We are 7th generation Florida crackers. Of course we miss you in Florida, but you can support the beef industry from Tennessee.